Believe it or not, millions of people are affected by symptoms of an overactive bladder. The severity and effects can differ from person to person, but one thing is for sure if you suffer from an overactive bladder it can really take a toll on your quality of life. 

This is especially true if your overactive bladder is affecting you at night. Getting up to go to the bathroom multiple times a night, can leave you feeling fatigued, drained, and irritated. If this is happening night after night, it might be time to do something.

Going long periods with compromised sleep can also be compromising to your health. Daytime sleepiness can lead to depression and a higher risk of falls or accidents. 

What is Over Active Bladder?

There is a complex relationship between your bladder, nerve signals, and your brain. This coordinated effort lets you know when your bladder is becoming full, as well as when it is time to be emptied. With an overactive bladder (OAB), however, the muscles of the bladder contract involuntarily creating the need to urinate, even though your bladder may not be full. An overactive bladder causes challenges every day, such as loss of urine control and the fear of an accident. 

Overactive Bladder Treatment Options

Getting to the root of the problem can help you improve all the consequences caused by an overactive bladder in the evening. This means improving your bladder function so you are taking fewer trips to the bathroom at night. Bladder training (limiting urination to set times of the day), pelvic floor exercises, and medications can help manage the spasms that cause frequent urination.

First, a urology professional in Springfield, Ohio may suggest making a few lifestyle changes to help improve your bladder function. This could include:

  • Limit how much alcohol and caffeine you drink throughout the day – as diuretics, may make symptoms worse.
  • Taper off liquids as evening and bedtime approaches.
  • Limit other diuretics, including melons, cucumbers, cranberry and citrus juices, acidic foods like tomatoes, spicy foods, and artificial sweeteners.
  • Keep a food diary to identify suspect overactive bladder triggers.

If these lifestyle changes aren’t reducing your number of trips to the bathroom at night, there are other options you can discuss with a urologist. Some medications have been known to ease an overactive bladder. You also may benefit from simple procedures such as bladder Botox or InterStim Therapy. 

The Road to Better Sleep

We know how much a good or bad night’s sleep can affect every other area of your life. Our team at Urology Specialist of Ohio is happy to work with you in finding the best overactive bladder treatment options. When your overall health and wellness are at stake we take it seriously. Call today for a consultation to be on the road to a better night’s sleep.