The urethra is the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of your body. In the case of men, it also carries semen. When cancerous cells form in or around this area, it’s known as urethral cancer.

The good news is that urethral cancer is one of the rarest forms of urological cancer. Roughly one or two people out of every 100 cancer patients have urethral cancer. Still, it’s important to understand the symptoms and risks. Like any cancer, the earlier it’s caught, the more treatable it is.

Types of Urethral Cancer

There are a few different types of urethral cancer. The most common forms are squamous cell carcinoma, transitional cell carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common type with cancer cells forming near the opening of the urethra.

The location of transitional cell carcinoma varies depending on your sex. For men, it forms around the part of the urethra that goes through the penis and prostate gland. For women, it typically forms in the area nearest the bladder.

Adenocarcinoma in the glands nearest the urethra in both men and women.

Symptoms of Urethral Cancer

Often, urethral cancer does not show immediate symptoms. As it grows, however, patients may begin to notice growths or lumps near the urethra. They may also experience pain or bleeding while urinating. Of course, these symptoms are not exclusive to urethral cancer.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.

Diagnosing and Treating Urethral Cancer

There are a variety of factors that play into treating urethral cancer:

  • Location
  • Progression
  • Age of patient
  • General health of patient
  • And more

Treatment options could include surgery, chemotherapy, medication, radiation therapy, and more. First, however, you need to be properly diagnosed by a urologist. If you’re in need of a urology specialist in the Dayton, Ohio area, Urology Specialists is here for you.

With multiple locations across the Miami Valley area, we offer convenient urology treatment that uses the latest tools and technology. Ask your doctor to reach out to us or contact us directly.