Everyone knows it’s important to drink water. Your body needs water, or it will die in a matter of days. The question is, how much water should you be drinking? While 8 glasses a day is considered the standard, everyone’s body is a little different. Your current health, climate, body type, and level of physical activity can all affect the amount of water you should be drinking. 

For most people, 8 glasses a day certainly isn’t a bad goal. Same may require more, while others may actually need to drink lessIt’s not a bad idea to check with your doctor for a specific recommendation. Water is definitely something you want to consume the right amount of. 

Water Keeps You Alive and Healthy 

Not only is water a vital component to living, but regularly consuming water is good for your overall health. Water helps your kidneys by improving blood flow and assisting with the removal of wastes and toxins. Healthy kidneys, in turn, decrease your chances of high blood pressure. Water can also reduce your chances of developing kidneys stones and UTIs by keeping your system flowing. 

A body that’s properly hydrated simply performs better. Regular water consumption can decrease muscle cramps, help with constipation, and keep your bladder healthy. Focusing on drinking more water can also help reduce your intake of caffeine, alcohol, and sugar, all of which can have negative effects on your kidneys, bladder, liver, and overall health. 

Can You Drink Too Much Water? 

As important as water is for your body, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Excessive water consumption can lead to nausea, headaches, and disorientation. Eventually, it can lower the sodium levels of your blood too far, resulting in muscle weakness, seizures, and unconsciousness.  

The exact amount of excess water can vary widely, and it should be said that the risk of overconsuming water is rare for most people. For healthy people, extreme athletes tend to be the most at risk, as they might consume too much water in too small of a time while working out. If you’re consuming four or more glasses of water in an hour, you’re likely drinking too much. 

However, athletes aren’t the only people who need to watch their water intake. 

Those suffering from kidney failure need to greatly restrict their water consumption. Your doctor should advise you on how much water you should be consuming. Certain conditions may also cause your body to retain more water than it should, putting you at greater risk for overhydration. This includes people with liver disease, kidney problems, and CHF, along with those taking certain medications. 

Is Excessive Urination a Sign of Too Much Water?  

While drinking more fluids of any type will ultimately lead to more frequent urination, there can come a point where it’s abnormal. If you’re at a point where you’re struggling to control your bladder, you likely have incontinence.  

Signs of incontinence include: 

  • Sudden, uncontrollable urge to urinate 
  • Inability to fully drain your bladder 
  • Constantly waking up to urinate 
  • Bladder leakage when performing physical activity 
  • Bladder leakage before or after urinating 
  • And more 

If you believe that you’re experiencing some form of incontinence, don’t simply accept it as a part of day to day life. A urologist will be able to diagnose the issue and work with you on treating it. There are numerous options available for treating and alleviating incontinence.  

For a urologist in the Dayton, Ohio area, contact Urology Specialists of Ohio today! We have five convenient locations across the Miami Valley area.