Prescriptions are filled at the time of your appointment. If you need a prescription refilled that is not associated with an appointment, please call the office and leave a message on the NURSE LINE. You will need to leave your NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, PHONE NUMBER, PRESCRIPTION NAME and DOSAGE, PHARMACY NAME and PHONE NUMBER. You need to allow 24 business hours for the medication to be called in to your pharmacy. If you have special instructions, please leave that information on the NURSE LINE example would be 90 day prescription or if you need a hard copy of the prescription. Please keep in mind that the NURSE will ONLY call you if your prescription has changed or if she is unable to call that medication in. Please contact your pharmacy in 24 hours to verify the prescription has been called in.

Prescriptions are filled at the time of your appointment. If you need a prescription refilled that is not associated with an appointment, please call the office and leave a message on the NURSE LINE. You will need to leave your NAME, DATE OF BIRTH, PHONE NUMBER, PRESCRIPTION NAME and DOSAGE, PHARMACY NAME and PHONE NUMBER.

You need to allow 24 business hours for the medication to be called in to your pharmacy. If you have special instructions, please leave that information on the NURSE LINE example would be 90 day prescription or if you need a hard copy of the prescription.

Please keep in mind that the NURSE will ONLY call you if your prescription has changed or if she is unable to call that medication in. Please contact your pharmacy in 24 hours to verify the prescription has been called in.