No one wants to think about getting cancer one dayWhile it certainly doesn’t do you any good to live in a constant state of fear and panic that you might have cancer, it is important to understand that you are at risk. Anyone could one day develop some form of cancer, regardless of their health and family history. 

For men, there’s a fair chance they’ll face prostate cancer if they live a full life. 

It’s estimated that there will be around 191,930 new cases of prostate cancer in the US in 2020 aloneIf you’re a male, it’s good to understand your level of risk so that you can take the appropriate steps to catch it early. 

What are My Chances of Developing Prostate Cancer? 

Prostate cancer remains the second most common form of cancer among men after lung cancer. Around 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.  

It is most common among men over the age 65. It’s also more common in African American men with cases often being more severe.  It’s possible to develop prostate cancer at a younger age, though it’s rare among men under 40.  

People with a family history of prostate cancer face an increased risk of developing it. However, it’s important to remember that all men are at risk of prostate cancer, regardless of race or history. 

What Can Be Done About Prostate Cancer?  

While 33,330 men are estimated to die from prostate cancer in 2020, there is hope. Prostate cancer is highly treatableMost men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer do not die from it. 

The best way to deal with prostate cancer is to detect it early. All men should start having their prostate checked by the age of 50. If you have a history of prostate cancer in your family, you should start by 45. This simple process could be the difference between life and death (and a lot of discomfort in between).  

Depending on the severity of the cancer, along with your age and other factors, there are a number of options available for treating prostate cancerPotential treatments include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and more. 

It’s important to remember that there are other conditions that can affect the prostate as well. BPH, prostatitis, and other conditions can all have symptoms are similar to prostate cancer.  

Whether you’re experiencing symptoms or not, once you come of age, make sure your prostate is being checked. Urologists are trained in conditions affecting the bladder, urinary tract, and male reproductive organs, making them the most qualified doctor to inspect and treat your prostate. 

Don’t become a negative statisticSee a urologist. For urology needs in Dayton, Ohio, contact Urology Specialists of Ohio today!